Tag Archives: artamonova

Venn Festival

Saturday 7th: 3pm – 6pm / Meet at 3pm / Thekla Top Deck / Free to Venn
Ticket holders

This is a social drawing event that will do a slow tour of the
festival. Kayle Brandon and Lady Lucy will set drawing exercises and make drawings about music, sound, happenings, dancing, people, etc at the fesitval. Bring your drawing kit, enthusiasts of any ability welcome.


Score : Whilst listening to Artamonova create a musical score which you thinkIrena might make to use her music. Irena is 26 and is Russian, so use 26 symbols and try and make it look as Russian looking as possible.

NANCY ELIZABETH / 3.30 / Arnolfini Auditorium
Lyrics : Draw a lyric sheet for one of Nancy Elizabeth’s songs. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what she is exactly saying in the music. Just write down what you hear and illustrate it by drawing what Nancy Elizabeth is singing about around the music.

SNORKEL / 4.00 / Thekla
Draw the view that you see through your imaginary snorkle goggles.
Using Snorkel’s music as a guide, imagine you are deep under water in the sea somewhere. It could be anywhere.

COREY ORBISON /5.15/ Arnolfini Dark Studio
Corey Orbison are Mical, Lisa and Irene Revell, they are very animated when they are performing. They play hard and fast and you might find this difficult to catch up with, but that’s why they’re genius. We are going try and make an animation of the band whilst watching them, except it’s just going to be a series of drawings that you are going to draw. Try and be as swift as possible, just as fast as the music, as quick as the flicker of an animation.
