Hello Nuclear Power Station!

Sizewell_Nuclear_Power_StationDSC01337_2592Sunday 22nd November – 11am to 1.30pm

Meet at: Sizewell Tea, Sizewell Gap, Leiston, Suffolk IP16 4UH

We will wonder around Sizewell B Nuclear Power station to explore it in its natural surroundings. Using divination, drawing and ways of looking we will get insights into the future and the past life of a nuclear powered landscape. We hope to return home with some answers and drawings.

Bring drawing materials and snacks.

Hello Nuclear Power Station! Is part of The ANTIUNIVERSITY NOW! festival


The ANTIUNIVERSITY NOW! festival is a collaborative experiment to revisit and reimagine the Antiuniversity of 1968 in a weekend of events inspired by the spirit, people and activities of the Antiuniversity of East London.    The ANTIUNIVERSITY NOW! festival challenges academic hierarchy through an open invitation to teach and learn any subject, in any form, anywhere.
The ANTIUNIVERSITY NOW! festival takes place on 20-22 November 2015 in a wide range of venues across the country and is open to everyone.